
In the interests of transparency and free public access, all Institute publications are available and digitally archived on this page. The institute encourages the use of these materials – particularly case studies and status reports – in classrooms and public forums with the hope that they inform and catalyze meaningful discussions about regional developments, past and present.

To request a presentation to your class or group in relation to any of these publications, please contact the Institute of Politics at 412-624-1837.

Policy and Research Reports

Policy and research reports focus on the current status of one issue, including federal studies, state perspectives, and regional data and research. Past policy and research reports have addressed–among other issues–shale gas energy practices and the role of green infrastructure in Southwestern Pennsylvania.

The Institute's most recent reports are listed below:

Case Studies

Institute case studies capitalize on the rich resources of local archival collections to provide an in-depth historical analysis of federal, state, and local public policies, relating them to contemporary policy issues. Case studies are intended to be accessible for a public reading audience and suitable for classroom use at the upper-secondary level and beyond.

Past case studies have focused on the political work of Elsie Hillman, Morton Coleman, and H. John Heinz III. Topical case studies have addressed issues including the Three Mile Island nuclear accident, the development of “Project 88” and its impact on clean air policy, and the logistical challenges of integrating human services across counties in western Pennsylvania.

Annual Reports

The Institute’s annual report offers a comprehensive review of the activities of the Institute, with full coverage of seminars and briefings from the Institute of Politics' policy committees, the Elsie Hillman Civic Forum, and the Dick Thornburgh Forum for Law & Pubic Policy.


The semiannual IOP Newsletter provides a frequent opportunity to learn about our current and emerging work. Click below to download past newsletters:

IOP @ 30

In celebration of its 30th anniversary, the Institute released a retrospective report offering highlights of contributions to the region's policymaking over the last three decades. You can view the report here, or request a hard copy by calling 412-624-1837.